Love is a curious thing!
We struggle to explain it, recognise it and at times obtain it. If you are in a relationship, either happy or unhappy at one time you most likely fell in love. This may have been a whirlwind experience meeting your partner, husband or wife. It may have been a slow burn, a grower, developing over time. With your love for one another slowly burning brighter with feelings deepening. Whichever is most true for you, I can almost guarantee at times this love may have felt less present. All relationships go through stages that hold varying levels of love for each other.
As things change, it can be difficult to remember why, when and how, you fell in love. The transactions of everyday life takes over and you struggle to go back to those heady days of dazed desire. Instead, feelings get replaced by all the little things your partner does to annoy you or the things you'd wish they would do but they don't. The niggles that set you on edge but you don't share.
Taking time out regularly to remember why you fell in love and what you most admire about your partner is an important part of building a healthy and happy relationship. It allows you to reset the clock and your relationship. We spend too long looking for faults and things that aren't working, instead of notice the positives and celebrating what we love about each other.
You fell in love because of the connection you had, the qualities you loved and admired in each other. Take a few moments today to remember why you fell in love. Find somewhere cosy, grab a warm cuppa, a blanket and close your eyes, let your mind wander and take you back to the moment you met and how this made you feel. Then slowly drifting to the time your feelings started to develop, let your love story flow.
When you are ready, open your eyes, take a few moments, and jot this down or record a voice note. Saving it somewhere special for when you need it the most. To help support you in this trip down memory lane, I've created a guide meditation hosted on Insights Timer. This guided meditation called your love story and it will help you to remember your own love story.
I know how challenging relationships can be and how exhausting it is when things don't feel right. It is emotionally draining and you can feel so alone. Don't suffer, if you need support make the first step, and start today, with a no-obligation chat. I'm sure you feel better once you say things out loud. My mission is to help others have healthy happy relationships.
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Coming soon is the Relationship Reset 12-week online programme, to find out more email info@inflori.co.uk